Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Rihanna: Samsung offers $25m sponsorship deal


Pop star Rihanna, has landed an unprecedented $25 million deal with Samsung to sponsor her upcoming album and tour. According to the New York Post, the Rihanna deal was seven months in the making and took longer than expected because Rihanna made some last-minute changes to her album Anti.
Jay Z and Rihanna’s manager Jay Brown helped close the deal. Jay Z was pictured leaving the Samsung offices earlier this month, prompting rumours that he was selling TIDAL, but he was reportedly there to discuss the Rihanna partnership.

Samsung plans to use Rihanna to help promote its Galaxy line of products and wants exclusive use of Rihanna-related video content for its Milk Music app.
Roc Nation has a long and profitable history with Samsung. In 2013, the South Korean electronics giant bought 1 million copies of Jay Z’s album Magna Carta… Holy Grail and distributed them for free via its Galaxy devices.

Rihanna has yet to announce an official release date for her eighth album Anti, but it is expected to arrive before the end of the year.

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